Lenswood TTT will not appear in this year’s Super Series

While the TTT has been a highlight of many riders’ Super Series for the last two years and we know there are plenty of people out there who were looking forward to putting their dancing shoes on and flying up Stentiford Rd to glory, a number of factors have made it impossible to reschedule the planned Rd II event in a meaningful way.

Threading the needle of an already stacked remainder of the year’s event calendar, the proposed reschedule date (Saturday, October 24) looked too good to be true with regard to stakeholders like the Adelaide Hills Council and local traders (who gave the green light early last week) but on further inspection a handful of obstacles reared their heads. Going ahead with that date would make it 5 weeks in a row of Super Series racing (with Copper Coast Cup 10th & 11th, The Bend Kermesse 18th, Aldinga Beach Criterium 31st, Gawler Kermesse November 8th), something that we’re aware is a huge commitment for many with busy lives. In addition to this, a clash with a number of club-level events scheduled for a weekend that was designed to provide a gap in the Super Series could have jeopardised the viability of those events. Unfortunately, when we have 280 eager bikers on the start line of our events, the natural pull of riders means that other events may no longer be able to run.

In the spirit of ensuring that our Teams have a fair run at their Super Series hopes without having to ask their riders to pull out of other events they had already committed to, and to give those who have lives, families and other commitments outside of bike racing the weekend off they had planned, we have cancelled Rd II of the 2020 Super Series. It will not be rescheduled, and Teams and Individual Series Pass holders have been contacted regarding refunds for their entry into this round.

This was not an easy decision to make, and Cycling SA appreciates your understanding in this matter. We hope that you take the opportunity to support one of the club-level events on that weekend (listed below), and for the climbers – hopefully they’ve made our new road at Gawler even hillier than we thought so you can use those legs!

Friday, October 23:

Edwardstown Friday Night Track Racing (South Coast Cycling Club). Enter here.

Saturday, October 24:

Winter Track Rd 4, Adelaide Superdrome (Kilkenny CC). Enter here (soon).

Melrose XCO Double Header (Adelaide Mountain Bike Club). More info here.

Sunday, October 25:

Outer Harbor Time Trial (Port Adelaide Cycling Club). More info here (soon).

Melrose XCO Double Header (Adelaide Mountain Bike Club). More info here.


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