Introducing Road ID Most Aggressive

Although its name may confuse newcomers to the sport, the most aggressive is not about being aggressive – but rather a reward for those who took on the bike race, trying to win the event against the odds. In that sense, it is largely a reward for one of the smartest riders in the bunch. Fittingly, every winner of the Most Aggressive round prizes will be given a voucher for Road ID. Road ID is an easy way to give yourself and loved ones some peace of mind when out on the bike, with key rider details available for first responders in the case of an emergency. With styles to suit any rider – there are very few excuses as to why you wouldn’t wear an ID.

CSA CEO Lachlan Ambrose commented on the New Partnership “we’re appreciative of the support that we have been given by RoadID. We really look for partnerships that would resonate with our riders, and we think this is a great example. In events, we try and control as many variables as possible to keep riders safe. Outside of this cyclist will always have a degree of vulnerability and we encourage all riders to be conscious of this – and be prepared for when things don’t go to plan.”

The most aggressive category will be available in all the criteriums across all six grades. Similar to the Brownlow medal in AFL – the votes for the most aggressive rider of the day is actually done by the commissaire Panel (after all – they are the ones watching the race with most intent!). The most aggressive rider from the previous round will be signified by Red Numbers across all categories.

More information on RoadID please visit their website:

Top 10 Reasons you should wear ID

  1. If you can't speak foryourself, ROAD iD will speak for you.
  2. ROAD iD enables FirstResponders to immediately contact family members and friends.
  3. ROAD iD enables family membersto provide additional details about your health or give consent for potentiallylife saving procedures. 
  4. ROAD iD enables hospital staffto locate vital medical records. 
  5. ROAD iD can communicate medicalconditions or allergy information to medical staff.
  6. ROAD iD can prevent seriousdelays in treatment by saving crucial time during the "golden hour"of medical treatment.
  7. It's far better to have Road IDand not need it than to need ROAD iD and not have it. It's not just apiece of gear, it's peace of mind.
  8. Accidents happen far more thanyou think they do. Each year approximately 450,000 of us are taken to hospitalsunconscious and without identification.
  9. ROAD iD looks good on and makesa statement about your athletic lifestyle – not to mention that studies wouldprobably prove that people that wear Road ID are considerably smarter thanthose that don't.


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